
Turbo boost switcher asking for password
Turbo boost switcher asking for password

^^^ What he said, but here's a quick version (very simple). Remember there is ALWAYS more 'volume', (not always mass), going over the exhaust wheel as the gasses on that side of the turbo have been heated and expanded. These are coupled with exhaust housings that 'complement the compressor side of things.

turbo boost switcher asking for password turbo boost switcher asking for password

Turbo's are manufactured with certain 'profiles' called the 'aspect ratio', a complex calculation of 3D inlet and outlet areas of the compressor housing as I understand it. As soon as the hole on one side gets 'bigger', (ie throttle opening), the boost is created due to not only a difference between for and aft exhaust and compressor wheel pressures, but also because of differences in inlet and outlet 'sizes' of the system, (ie varying loads, throttle openings etc). Summary if the 'hole', (throttle body), that you are trying to put the 'air' through, is smaller than the hole you are trying to put the exhaust gas through, you will not boost. I think it has to do with the amount of gasses passing over the relative turbo wheels, also, I believe that the throttle opening position is critical to boost 'creation', a turbo relies on a 'difference' in pressure from one side of the 'wheel' to the other, indeed, there needs to exist a difference in pressure/vacuum between both manifolds to create boost due to different pressures in the relevant 'sides' of the turbo.

Turbo boost switcher asking for password